BOOK: Remineralization

Case-bound, screenprint, linoleum block prints, inks, clays, pigments, archival inkjet, and typewritten text on various papers including handmade cannabis paper, 7 x 4.625 inches, 96 pages - many foldouts, Edition of 9, current price $1200
From the big bang to earth’s dissolution in the near distant future, this is one story of mineral life, geological evolution and recombinant redistribution, and how we hold rocks in our hands and in our bones.
Remineralization and corollary work unfold a visual folktale from the first breaths of the universe, or the big bang’s original mineralization, through mining and industrial relations with earth’s geology, to landfill aggregates, remineralizations, and future gems. The materials used in their making are also characters in their tale, including copper ink, metallic thread, and metallic and mica pigments.
Table of Contents:
i. Mineralization
ii. Record of the Rocks
iii. There’s Gold in Them Thar Hills
iv. The Prospector & the Landlooker
v. Simple Machines at First
vi. Mineral Resources
vii Mineral Light
viii Landfill Aggregates & the Unfactory
ix ReMineralization
From the big bang to earth’s dissolution in the near distant future, this is one story of mineral life, geological evolution and recombinant redistribution, and how we hold rocks in our hands and in our bones.
Remineralization and corollary work unfold a visual folktale from the first breaths of the universe, or the big bang’s original mineralization, through mining and industrial relations with earth’s geology, to landfill aggregates, remineralizations, and future gems. The materials used in their making are also characters in their tale, including copper ink, metallic thread, and metallic and mica pigments.
Table of Contents:
i. Mineralization
ii. Record of the Rocks
iii. There’s Gold in Them Thar Hills
iv. The Prospector & the Landlooker
v. Simple Machines at First
vi. Mineral Resources
vii Mineral Light
viii Landfill Aggregates & the Unfactory
ix ReMineralization