Landlooker: Emission Readings

Post Lost Coast Culture Machine, I wanted to pick up working in the studio where I had left off when moving to California in 2008.
I had been creating hybrid landscapes examining human relationships to land - of urban-rural, sustained-depleted, cultivated and paved expanses usually inhabited by animal witnesses. {See Preeminent Domain} On the move to California, I’d taken thousands of photos, sent some back to the job I’d just left and weeks later had rolls of large format photographs waiting to be cut up and recombined.
But my mom had died two weeks after my cross-country move to help care for her, and so I spent a lot of time in the dirt with plants learning to live again. And then Lost Coast Culture Machine was born.
So here, seven years later were the first attempts, full of frenzied energy, exploding into space.
I had been creating hybrid landscapes examining human relationships to land - of urban-rural, sustained-depleted, cultivated and paved expanses usually inhabited by animal witnesses. {See Preeminent Domain} On the move to California, I’d taken thousands of photos, sent some back to the job I’d just left and weeks later had rolls of large format photographs waiting to be cut up and recombined.
But my mom had died two weeks after my cross-country move to help care for her, and so I spent a lot of time in the dirt with plants learning to live again. And then Lost Coast Culture Machine was born.
So here, seven years later were the first attempts, full of frenzied energy, exploding into space.